Tutorial - Using the drawing area
File handling
Saving a chart with a different name
Selecting a Kith and Kin Pro database
Importing from the same file again
Exporting the chart as an Adobe PDF file
Exporting the chart as a metafile
Exporting the chart as a bitmap
Preparing the chart for sending
Changing the K&KPro database link names
Tree import settings
Getting import visual styles from selection
Editing a chart
Joining lines to chart elements
Grouping chart elements together
Undoing the previous operation
Redoing the subsequent operation
Changing a text element's link to a K&KPro database
Selecting a family to use in a database link
Selecting a person to use in a database link
Setting the shape fill pattern
Repeating the last format change
Getting default styles from selection
Changing the order of chart elements
Aligning chart elements horizontally
Aligning chart elements vertically
Turning the snap-to-grid on and off
Moving around the drawing area
Turning the Colour Palette on and off
Turning the Chart View Control on and off
Turning the Button Bar on and off
Turning the Status Bar on and off
Setting page size/margins/orientation/footer
Setting a user-defined paper size
TreeDraw supports the GEDCOM V5.5 standard as defined by the Family History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). Additions and enhancements have been made which help to make GEDCOM files more backwards compatible with other programs.
* indicates that the tag is a Kith and Kin Pro GEDCOM enhancement.
** indicates that the tag is only used if it is assigned to a field in "Options | Preferences | GEDCOM". If it is not, you can have the data stored in the person or family notes by setting the "Put additional data in notes" option.
† indicates that all tags within this record type contain the same group of sub-tags which have been omitted here for brevity, eg. both FAM | ANUL and FAM | MARS contain the sub-tags AGE, AGNC, etc.
TreeDraw supports the import of SOUR tags for all data tags (BIRT, OCCU, etc) and the import of NOTE tags for data tags.
The following GEDCOM record types are supported:
Tag | Description |
HEAD | File header |
FAM | Family data |
INDI | Person data |
NOTE | Note record |
REPO | Document repository |
SOUR | Source document |
SUBM | Submitter details |
Within each record the following tags are supported:
Record | Tag | Description |
HEAD | SOUR | Source system details |
. VERS | . Version | |
. NAME | . System name | |
. CORP | . System producer | |
. . ADDR | . . Address | |
. . PHON | . . Phone number | |
. DATA | . Data name | |
. . DATE | . . Data date | |
. . COPR | . . Data copyright | |
DEST | Destination system | |
DATE | File creation date | |
SUBM | Submitter reference | |
FILE | GEDCOM file name | |
COPR | Copyright | |
. VERS | . Version | |
. FORM | . Form = LINEAGE-LINKED | |
CHAR | Character set | |
NOTE | Notes | |
FAM | ANUL | Annulment ** † |
. AGE | . Spurious GEDCOM tag ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date ** | |
. HUSB | ||
. . AGE | . . Husband's age at event ** | |
. PLAC | . Place ** | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
. WIFE | ||
. . AGE | . . Wife's age at event ** | |
CENS | Census ** † | |
DIV | Divorce | |
. AGE | . Spurious GEDCOM tag ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. HUSB | ||
. . AGE | . . Husband's age at event ** | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
. WIFE | ||
. . AGE | . . Wife's age at event ** | |
DIVF | Divorce filed ** † | |
ENGA | Engagement ** † | |
EVEN | Miscellaneous event ** † | |
MARB | Banns ** † | |
MARC | Contract ** † | |
MARL | Licence ** † | |
MARR | Marriage | |
. AGE | . Spurious GEDCOM tag ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. HUSB | ||
. . AGE | . . Husband's age at event ** | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
. WIFE | ||
. . AGE | . . Wife's age at event ** | |
MARS | Settlement ** † | |
HUSB | Husband reference | |
WIFE | Wife reference | |
CHIL | Child reference | |
NCHI | Number of children ** | |
SUBM | Submitter reference ** | |
REFN | Reference number ** | |
RESN | Restriction ** | |
RIN | Record identification number ** | |
NOTE | Notes | |
_FILES | Start of external note | |
_FILEE | End of external note | |
SOUR | Source reference | |
. PAGE | . Document page number | |
. QUAY | . Quality of data | |
. NOTE | . Notes | |
. DATA | . Ref data | |
. . DATE | . . Data date | |
. . TEXT | . . Data text | |
_UDF | Non-GED user field * | |
. _FIELD | . Field name * | |
. _DATA | . Field data * | |
INDI | NAME | Name or alias |
. _ADATE | . Alias date * | |
. NICK | . Nickname | |
. GIVN | . Given name ** | |
. NPFX | . Name prefix ** | |
. NSFX | . Name suffix ** | |
. SPFX | . Surname prefix ** | |
. SURN | . Surname ** | |
SEX | Gender = M or F | |
CAST | Caste ** † | |
. AGE | . Age at event ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date ** | |
. PLAC | . Place ** | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
DSCR | Physical description** † | |
EDUC | Education** † | |
IDNO | Identification number** † | |
NATI | Nationality** † | |
OCCU | Occupation** † | |
PROP | Property** † | |
RELI | Religion** † | |
RESI | Residence** † | |
SSN | Social security number** † | |
TITL | Title** † | |
BIRT | Birth | |
. AGE | . Age at event ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
CHR | Christening | |
. AGE | . Age at event ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
DEAT | Death | |
. AGE | . Age at event ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
BURI | Burial | |
. AGE | . Age at event ** | |
. AGNC | . Agency ** | |
. CAUS | . Cause ** | |
. DATE | . Date | |
. PLAC | . Place | |
. TYPE | . Type of event ** | |
CHRA | Adult christening** † | |
CENS | Census** † | |
FCOM | First communion** † | |
BAPM | Baptism** † | |
BARM | Bar Mitzvah** † | |
BASM | Bas Mitzvah** † | |
BLES | Blessing** † | |
CONF | Confirmation** † | |
ORDN | Ordination** † | |
NATU | Naturalisation** † | |
EMIG | Emigration** † | |
IMMI | Immigration** † | |
CREM | Cremation** † | |
PROB | Probate** † | |
WILL | Will signed** † | |
GRAD | Graduation** † | |
RETI | Retirement** † | |
FAMC | Child of family reference | |
FAMS | Parent in family reference | |
SUBM | Submitter reference | |
RFN | File record number ** | |
AFN | Ancestral File record number ** | |
REFN | Reference number ** | |
RESN | Restriction ** | |
RIN | Record identification number ** | |
NOTE | Notes | |
_FILES | Start of external note * | |
_FILEE | End of external note * | |
SOUR | Source reference | |
. PAGE | . Document page number | |
. QUAY | . Quality of data | |
. NOTE | . Notes | |
. DATA | . Ref data | |
. . DATE | . . Data date | |
. . TEXT | . Data text | |
_UDF | Non-GED user field * | |
. _FIELD | . Field name * | |
. _DATA | . Field data * | |
NOTE | CONC | Concatenated line |
CONT | Continuation line | |
REPO | NAME | Repository name |
ADDR | Address | |
PHON | Phone number | |
NOTE | Notes | |
SOUR | AUTH | Document author |
TITL | Title | |
PUBL | Publication details | |
REPO | Repository reference | |
NOTE | Notes | |
TEXT | Source text | |
SUBM | NAME | Submitter's name |
ADDR | Address | |
PHON | Phone number |
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